Nicky, Charlie, Harrison

Final sailboat diagram

Charli Tankel

Final Thoughts

Charli Tankel

     The purpose of this studio was to try and make a sailboat that would go against the wind. In this studio the larger problem involved was finding a way to program and implement a physical solution to the sailboat. The solution that we had to work with was making the boat, designing the control system and programming it. One mechanical servo and part of the programming controls the sail to get through all of the wind conditions  that it comes across. The second servo adjusts the Rudder when the boat is going through the wind. The programming part of this process is a little bit difficult. Even though it may be difficult, it is one of the most important part of our project.

     This studio has taught us that you may need to try out many different designs before one will actually succeed. Another thing that this studio has taught us is the scientific reasoning behind making the actual sailboat. We had to try out all of our different prototypes in the water to see what we had to change. Our group decided to make a Trimaran with one hull. Our big decision was if we wanted to make one or two hulls for the boat. The best decision that we made during this whole process was to plaster  the fiber glass onto the hull of the boat. Throughout this process, we had to try out many different things that sometimes didn't work. This is our fifth and final boat design. Even though our boat didn’t end up working out exactly as we wanted it to, this experience was definitely worth it.