Youth Advocacy Installation
"A Really Spiff Tagline"
Finn Mayeux, Lalita Bellach, Kody White
Thesis Statement
The Youth Advocacy Installation is a series of three paintings that follow a narrative of student advocacy and standing up for oneself. This project was painted using acrylic, on several different-sized canvases. The canvases are arranged in a manner that resembles comic panels, to aid in telling the story, and are intended to be read left to right. The three artists contributed to each of the paintings, adding their own flair and styles to the three pieces, following a predetermined color palette. This resulted in a blend of styles that, when combined, makes the pieces look harmonious despite each artist’s individuality.
This installation is created for the Harvard Youth Advocacy Lab’s space and depicts a fight between a dragon and a knight– with a twist. Instead of the dragon killing the knight or vice versa, they are able to forgive each other and come to a middle point. This story is important to tell as it reflects the Lab’s policies while adding a storybook-esque theme that encompasses childlike imagination and stories.
Youth Advocacy Installation is a series of three paintings that are made for the Harvard Law and Youth Advocacy Fellows Program. The collection follows a narrative representing youth advocacy, student voice, and standing up for oneself. The story is portrayed with three different-sized canvases arranged in a manner that resembles comic book panels that aid in telling a story and is intended to be viewed from left to right.
Technical Precedent:
Precedent 1
Conceptual Precedent:
Precedent 2
Aspirational Precedent:
Figma Brainstorming
Concept Explorations
Medium Explorations
Medium Explorations
Process Photos
Process Photos
Pieces in the space!
The Youth Advocacy Installation is a series of three paintings that are made for the Harvard Law and Youth Advocacy Fellows Program. The collection follows a narrative representing youth advocacy, student voice, and standing up for oneself. It also greatly represents growth support and opportunity. The story is portrayed with three different-sized canvases arranged in a manner that resembles comic book panels that aid in telling a story and is intended to be viewed from left to right.
This collection was created by Lalita Bellach, Kody White, and Finn Mayeux, contributing to each of the paintings and added their own styles to help tell a compelling fantasy-like story, while also having a deeper meaning.