A Moss Box in a Glass Room

Jere Nierenberg and Lloyd Graves

Moss Box  

Jer Nierenberg and Lloyd Graves

Project Goal:

Improve the air quality in the areas of NuVu that are low light by designing and implementing a self watering vertical moss planter

Jere  Nierenberg + Lloyd Graves IV

For our project we worked on making a automated moss wall. The moss wall is a box of dirt with layers to hold the dirt in. The moss rests on top of the layers so it can grow but not let the dirt out. We also have a second container which in a small package holds the pump, Arduino board, and motor shield. There is bottle to supply the water to the pump which pumps water to the moss when the moisture level of the moss goes below the target moisture level. this is all controlled bye the Arduino board a tiny computer that takes the moisture information and tells the pump to activate when needed. The moss wall in simple terms is a pice of ply wood with components attached to water a moss wall which is also attached.