MBTA Student Passes

MBTA Student Pass Application 2023-2024

Juliette Noone

If you would like to apply for a CharlieCard please contact juliette@nuvustudio.org for an admissions letter and fill out the attached form. 

Link to application: https://cdn.mbta.com/sites/default/files/2021-03/Homeschool-student-charliecard-order-form.pdf

Instructions for filling out application:

  1. HomeSchool Name: NuVu Studio - The Innovation School
  2. Total Enrollment: 50 students
  3. Street: 450 Massachusetts Ave
  4. City/State/Zip: Cambridge, MA 02139
  5. Contact Name: Juliette Noone
  6. Contact Phone Number: 617-945-7716
  7. Email Address: juliette@nuvustudio.org
  8. Choose Student Stored Value CharlieCards (S-Cards) - QTY = 1
  9. Include Homeschool Approval Letter
  10. Submit application to studentpassprogram@mbta.com