Beyond Boarders Presentation
Luca Rudenstine and 2 OthersKatrine GankinGrace Gordon
While the United States is a country of immigrants, language barriers, economic disparities, and unfamiliarity cause division between newly migrated communities. It is understandable that previously displaced people turn to one another for support, but the intense American patriotic culture leads to even less of an integration between people. Beyond Borders was created to explore how to bring people together through architecture. The structure its self wraps around to create an open space that invites people inside. The organic shape of the structures offers a natural comforting environment. The structure also features a vertical shelf farm, wood burning stove and a water basin for recreational activities. The adobe material can magically become an art gallery once painted on. Rain water will then wash away the art, resulting in an always-evolving cultural display. By creating a shared space to exchange culture through art, cooking, and gardening, previously displaced people can foster new community relations beyond the cultural divide.