
Will Fosnot

Convertible spaces: a project intended to help Miriam a student at nuvu  that wants to have a desk in her room but she does not have space. This is achieved by making a desk that can slide out of her dresser

It is made by using a thick piece of wood that slides in and out of the dresser. That piece is placed 28 inches above the ground and is 40 inches wide. This is important so Miriam can be comfortable when working. This was needed because Miriam has spent her time working in her mom’s office and she wants her own space. 

Bailey's Brief

Bailey Taylor-Black

This project is to help Miriam who has a lack of space to work during this epidemic. She has a lack of space to work and would like a nice quiet work space. Due to space constraints, we had to find a way to convert something in her room to a desk. We decided to focus on the dresser. It is a dresser attachment that goes inside of one of the drawers that folds out into a table.


We came up with this idea when looking through convertible rooms that change use easily.  It is made with a piece of wood with hinges on each side. It pulls out and folds down with a leg to give full stability. It is 28 inches high and 40 inches wide to make space for a computer and a notebook.

Portfolio presentation

Bailey Taylor-Black and Will Fosnot

Convertible spaces: a project intended to help Miriam a student at nuvu  that wants to have a desk in her room but she does not have space. This is achieved by making a desk that can slide out of her dresser


project description

Will Fosnot

Convertible spaces: a project intended to help Miriam a student at nuvu  that wants to have a desk in her room but she does not have space. This is achieved by making a desk that can slide out of her dresser