The Interactive Storybook Studio is where the Interactive Storybookers (Kedaar, Saba, Sebastian, Gabrielle, Crystal, Sophie, Harper, and Klara) are all working together to make the app of their imagination. This week, they brainstormed,storyboarded, and created the assets. The Interactive Storybookers accomplished a lot this week, but still have a lot more to go before their app is ready for the final presentation next Friday.
On Monday, The Interactive Storybookers learned what they are going to do for the next 2 weeks. They also looked for inspiration from other video game and apps. Throughout the day, they talked about different ideas of what their app could be and about all the different types of games there are. Monday was a very productive day for the Interactive Storybookers.
On Tuesday, the Interactive Storybookers drew self-portraits, scanned them and played with them on Photoshop. We also learned certain tools within Photoshop to help make the portraits even better.
All day Wednesday, the Interactive Storybookers did some intense brainstorming. This included different ideas and elements to the app of their imagination. They were very productive on Wednesday. In the afternoon, they began to storyboard all the main scenes for the story. The story is called "After the Fog" and depicts a young girl names "Vera" who suddenly appears in Clone World and is trying to figure out how she got there, why everyone is a clone, and what her mission is.
On Thursday, the Interactive Storybookers continued with storyboarding and also began to create some assets in the afternoon. Assets are the main digital elements that will be used in the game design process such as characters, backgrounds, and objects. The assets are being designed using watercolor mixed with digital techniques.
Finally on Friday, the last day of week 1, the Interactive Storybookers worked steadily to create all the assets for their narrative-game. The Interactive Storybookers are very excitecd to see how their interactive storybook app turns out and are equally excited about the design process for creating that app!