What did you work on today?
Today I worked on implementing the canny edge detection, and line processing I did over the weekend. I spent most of the morning fine tuning all the variables like the area to crop, and the Hough line gap stuff. I then worked on the algorithm used to determine the speed of the wheels. This afternoon, I fine tuned the robot so that it will go around turns, and stay in the road.
What problems/bugs came up?
In the morning, I had a few bugs like the cropping was off and caused an X like image that could not be used. I fixed this by changing the order of the polygons points.
I also had a problem where the wheels moved in the wrong direction. I fixed this by reversing the wheels polarity.
Finally, one other problem I had was the bot would crash every time lines were not detected. I fixed this by making the bot turn towards the direction of the missing lines.
What are you working on tomorrow?
Tomorrow I will be working on filtering out different colors (yellow), so that the robot will stay in its lanes. I will also fine tune the turning algorithm.