Pipa Update 2/14

Graham Galts
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Today I worked on the logistics of how the game itself would work. I worked on building a system to decide how parts would be chosen and to go deeper into which format they would be distributed. Our 3 options were: 1 Settlers of Catan, you start with certain parts and must build on from there. 2 Monopoly, you get a certain amount of money and you must gain it over time. The final option was Scrabble, where your parts are randomly assigned and then you need to make do with what you have. I decided on the second option, Monopoly ad then spent the rest of the day building and re-creating the chart to add cost and also attack.

Kite Fight in the favelas of Rio

Spyridon Ampanavos

Ideas for Games

Graham Galts and Julian Slama
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arcade game control two kites w/ fan

videogame kite dogfighting (try to hit string) the objective is to maipuate your virtual kite and hit the kite's string to eliminate it.                                                                  Try to knock opponent out of the ring (Sumo Wrestling) You have to bumb your opponent out of a preset ring with your kite.

technological r/c kites You fly your kite and try to knock the opponents string off of a peg withouth getting near the peg.

school yard () attach string to something and players try to grab other players' strings. Each player places a peg in the ground with their string and then try to be the last person standing without having their string grabbed. You cannot go within 5 feet of anyone else's peg or you are eliminated.

Board Game/Card Game: kites have stats play like war. The cards are dealt out and then players flip them over and grade their cards based on their stats and the winner gets all the kites.

Parlour Game: Kites are people with their eyes closed and are controlled by 2 seperate people.The 2 "controllers" guide the "kites" so that they hit the other person's peg first.


Graham Galts and Julian Slama

Pipa is a fighting game that involves skill and natural ability.

You require good reflexes and good coordination to play Pipa because your reflexes allow you to cut your opponents kite down

It is played by Brazilian children and adults. they play it because there is a culture and honor behind Pipa. It is the second favorite port after fùtbol of the Brazilian people.

Pipa is a popular game played by Brazilian children and adults that involves battling each other with Kites. The game can be played with two or more people and the goal is to cut down your opponent's kite using a sharp edge you would attach to your kite string. Once you cut your opponents kite down and have won, you can claim that Kite. Once you and your opponent fly your Kites into the air, you can begin the fight.

Pipa Arcade

Christian deWeck

In this game, you control a miniature kite with a spool of string on a track and your goal is to cut down your opponent's kite while both of your kites are flying above a fan.

Players muct be able to keep their kite in the fan zone so that it stays up in the air and they must watch out for the other player's kite.
Players can move their kite up and down, ascend and decsend, and use any strategy withtin the rules to win.
Players can hit eachother's kites witht heir own and cut the line of the kites.
The game is replayable because you just have to restart the fan to begin.
The game is fair
The game is all about hand-eye coordination along with staying in the fan ring

In my game, I thought of simulate the lift a kite would get in the air by using a fan. The idea That I though of was partialy inspired from air hockey. I would have a board with a fan in the center and off to the sides of it would be little tracks that would move hand cranked spools of string down. You can move the spool up and down the track as well as rotate it. You can increase or decrease the altitude of the kite by cranking out more string from the spool while moving it. I created this out of cardboard and wooden dowels along with using hot glue and electrical tape to keep everything in place. This captures the essence of kite fight because it gives you the control that flying a kite would be like and it is two person. I did not include to cut down and capture aspect of thsi game because I think it would be too dificult to inplment beace you would have to reattach the kite each time you cut it down. overall I would say I was slightly sucessfull at capturing the essence of this game beacuse I was able to control the kites but the fan made them flap all around with is not what it is like in kite fighting. I would advance the project further by making a new version made out of wood with presice measurments, and I would also try to get a better fan. Another Way I could advance it is to have customizable kites. I might also try to add some sort of funnel to control the airflow of the fan.