Grief Necklace

Nora Kent and 2 OthersMarley Snyder
Will Maxwell

This project is a wearable that is designed to show your emotions via LED lights. 

Our project is a heptagonal box that has an acrylic surface with 7 tracks. Moving along the tracks is 7 triangles (one per track), that when moved, open to reveal an LED light in a color that coincides with an emotion (anger, sadness, calmness, reflection, etc). You (the wearer) can manually move the triangles to communicate your current emotions as you grieve.  This project was made because as you grieve, you are often in a state of experiencing conflicted, confusing, and/or strong emotions, and we wanted to design something that would help you identify a few emotions you may be feeling, and communicate them to the world what you're feeling without actually saying anything. That way, it's both something that's reflective and communicative, and you don't even have to open your mouth! This project was made with two laser cut heptagons, one wood and one acrylic, sandwiching 7 outlines of heptagons cut out of thick wood to make a hollow heptagon with room for the Arduino and LEDs. 


Nora Kent