Connectors and connector counts. All of the male connectors will be on all of the boards already.
Per tree:
4 x 3-pin for input side of LED strips (main board)
4 x 2-pin for output side of LED strips (main board)
2 x 2-pin for main board power switching module (main board)
2 x 6-pin for sensor (main board and sensor board)
1 x 3-pin for flower motor (sensor)
1 x 3-pin for motion detector (sensor)
2 x 12-pin for dispatcher (main board and dispatcher)
16 x 6-pin for dispatcher (dispatcher)
The most recent rev B schematic:
- remapped teensy pins to the ones used by the teensy neopixel library
- added jumper options to connect LED string 4 to all four strings, and disconnect those from the circuit
- added 5th LED string connector for the sensor stem thing
- reserved necessary pins
- removed overcurrent detect circuit because I didn't have a chance to test it, replaced with a PTC footprint which should be lesser risk
- moved teensy main power to the input side of the load switch
- added place to measure full load current
- moved power supply mtg holes based on measurement of physical unit.
- enlarged elec cap pads for easier hand soldering