Fire Safety Systems (Final Presentation)
Heide Solbrig and 2 OthersWesley RyalsVerity Gould + Privacy: Public
Fire Safety Systems
Verity Gould and Wesley Ryals
Why fire safety in an off-the-grid studio?
In the event of a major grid failure, we will need whatever safety systems remain more than ever. We believe having multiple systems for fire safety in place is an effective way to keep our building and community reasonably safe even when one system fails. We intend to do this by analyzing fire regulations and proposing solutions to our biggest problem areas within NuVu.
What safety systems?
What safety systems did you add?
Survey results: Good safety
- The building is made out of relatively non-flammable materials
- Staff have taken prompt action in past potential emergencies
- Working alarms and sprinklers
Survey results: Concerns
- Laser cutter having safety off
- Regular improper tool use
- We haven't had a fire drill in a couple years
- Not everyone knows where the building's back exit is or where it leads
- Daisy-chained power strips
Survey results: Split opinions
- Fire extinguishers: Some say we have enough, some say add more, definitely label better
- Pathways: Some say wide and clear, some say narrow and cluttered
- Staff presence: Some say always around, some say not around when people need help
- Ventilation: Some say it's fine, some say it's inadequate
Steps we have taken to solve issues
- Talk to the nearby fire department about a possible fire safety presentation
- Have staff show students our evacuation locations and exits
- Identify items needed to reduce certain hazards, and plan the budget for them
- Begin planning out cleanup times for the shop and other cluttered places
- Begin discussions with John about more in-depth shop instruction
What items? How have you planned a cleanup?
How do you get to the back exit? Where does it take you?
Fire drill/Exit showcase
Studio/Shop Clean Up
What is your budget? How does it work? Does it fall under the school budget or your own?
A: What is the biggest fire hazard in this area?
What about schools specifically?
B: How fast would the response to NuVu/Central Square Theater be? Would you even need to bring the truck?
Hazardous electrical from all our old buildings, people doing dangerous activities, setting trash on fire, and kitchen mishaps.
It would be a fast response and they would use the fire truck. Even if running would be faster, they still need hoses and ladders.
Fire Station Visit
Our plan to add more fire safety rules in the future
- Currently we have looked through the OSHA fire standards. We have only looked through some of the Fire Code (2021 edition).
- Electricity inspection
- Air Quality Test
- Fire Safety with Fire Department.
- Fire Prevention Plan
Why do we use the 2021 edition of the Fire Code? When would you have an air quality test or electricity inspection.
When the Fire Dept. Presentation? What is a fire prevention plan?
Why does it say Lafayette?