"A Really Spiff Tagline"
Chloe Peterson + Jaden Johnston
Thesis Statement
Ever felt compelled to help an animal or the environment while also getting something out of it? If so, GOOD.ie HOODIE is perfect for you. GOOD.ie HOODIE is a brand that makes and sells hoodies, T-shirts, stickers and even a bag and for all purchases made, money is donated towards charities that support the wildlife. We made over 30 design concepts for our products before narrowing it down to 3 that were put on our hoodies and T-shirts. All the profits made from our eco-friendly brand are then donated to the charities Oceana and the International Rhino Foundation. GOOD.ie HOODIE also has a website where we sell our products and give more information about our brand and the charities we support and why. GOOD.ie HOODIE also has an instagram page where updates are posted about our brand and is a place where we can reach an even wider audience. We got the Idea for this brand from the main goal of supporting the charities of our choice and creating products that relate to the underlying themes and goals of those charities. We hope that GOOD.ie HOODIE becomes a recognizable brand that a wide variety of people choose to buy from and support not only to help the animals and their environment but also build a community.
Sketches (we made >37)
Use Diagram
*Must include at least 1 diagram (Technical or Use Diagram)
*Final Photos
*Final Photos
*Final Photos
*Final Video