Iteration #2: Lockers

Lucy Emerson

Lockers is an interactive art installation that targets the problem of gun violence in schools in the 21st century. It is composed of 226 small wooden lockers, each dedicated to a person whose  black-and-white abstract picture and stenciled information (name, age at death, school of death, and a few interesting facts that makes them unique) are backlit by LED lights. Lockers honors the memories of the lives that were unjustly taken, sending the message that gun violence in schools occurs too often.The goal is to reach gun rights supporters in the hope that when they see these victims as actual people who had incredible potential, and not just as another statistic, they will be inspired to push for stricter gun control laws. As viewers you can go up and open each locker and discover the story of a life that is no longer with us and have time to reflect on the effects of gun violence.