Andrews Reflection

Wyatt Gold and 2 OthersAndrew Perticone
Finn Mayeux

Before this studio I believed AI to exist as a tool that people in the workplace and school would use to assist their work, but that companies wouldn't use it that way, and instead try to replace workers outright. You can see my opinions seep into my project in the form of Joe’s co-workers being replaced by robots, making Joe miserable. So many jobs had been replaced in Joe’s universe that the government had to pay companies in order for them to even hire humans. In order to have a better understanding of AI in the workplace, Wyatt and I researched a few articles on people (specifically factory workers, as that is Joe’s job) who had lost their jobs to automation, and how it affected their life. As the studio progressed I feel as if my opinion was only more enforced, the AI tools we used only really gave us good results after human modification in photoshop, and constant iteration. While the technology may improve over time, I don't think it will ever evolve past a tool, but companies won't see it that way. As long as the AI is more efficient money wise, what it puts out is irrelevant if its labor is cheap enough (not saying this is a good thing, just that this is what companies will use it for.) 
    For this project we used Chat-GPT and Midjourney for our AI tools. We used Chat-GPT for none of the final text, but instead for images that have text in them (midjourney cannot do images in text.) The main tool we used was Midjourney, we used it for our deliverables and it went okay. I appreciate how quickly it generates the images, and how quickly we could iterate, unfortunately there were many more cons than pros. Firstly the AI is not sentient, it's simply trying to string my words together into some sort of statistically best output, because of that the AI constantly messes up people's bodies, faces and doesn't understand any type of prompt that is even remotely complex. Because of that we had to spend around half the time on the deliverables fixing / adding stuff in photoshop. 

I do not anticipate using AI in the future for any future creative projects, at least not the way we used AI in this studio. I have found AI really powerful for coding, but that's not really a creative field. AI can sort of understand what my creative vision is for any type of project, but I feel part of the creative process is taking what's in your mind and making it a reality, and AI doesn't give me that sense of accomplishment or pride that doing something on my own does.