Objective: Student will gain an understanding of effective conflict management strategies and participate in or observe a mock conflict.
Anticipatory Set: A whole group conversation or individual worksheet/journaling about places that one might experience conflict in their life.
Direct Instruction: The teacher will ask the group to share out way that they manage conflict. The purpose of this is to give students a general sense of their peers' experiences. The teacher will then move onto some scientifically proven conflict management strategies, tools, and practices. (UC Berkeley)
Guided Instruction: The concept and mechanics of the activity will be introduced and two students will volunteer/be chosen to be the people in the conflict. The activity will happen a few times depending on time with a different conflict scenario and students in the two roles.
Closure/assessment: A conversation will be held about how the activity went, especially in regard to how the characters approached the conflicts and what happened when they used conflict management strategies.