Once again, this studio was a struggle because of external factors. I found it difficult to juggle the concepts I needed to learn with the never-ending flow of supplementals and other college material. Seniors need more college support, or at least a way to get more done. The non-traditional approach to applications, though beneficial in the long run, hinders my ability to get traditional support outside NuVu. I truly believe I would suffer long-term mental issues if I had any more work than I do now.
I suppose I have to talk about the project too. If I'm honest, this was basically a solo project. I worked on what I was passionate about, because I felt my group mates had good direction (or that I wasn’t comfortable relying on them to complete work). Decent project, got a lot of feedback, did a lot of prototyping in all phases (initial cube w/o mirrors -> Cube w/ mirrors -> Intractable prototype w/mirrors -> my secret Santa gift for poker), expressed the wow aspect pretty well. I combined skills in material research, rapid prototyping and giving/receiving feedback.