Studio Narrative Winter Session 1

Studio Narrative Winter Session 1

Finn Mayeux


Engage and Persist


From the foundation of a people's government in the Magna Carta to modern-day New York City – whether it be the unjustifiable seizure of private property or a payout fractions of an area's worth, eminent domain has been a law ripe for exploitation and abuse. Eminent domain, the government's power to take private property for public use, provided fair compensation is paid, has been a contentious legal tool throughout history.


During this studio I strengthened by research and writing skills by writing a ten page research paper on eminent domain and its impacts on marginalized communities. This is one of the longest essays I've written in a while and a muscle we don't use as often as I would like at NuVu. I'm very proud of the prose I used throughout the paper and its flow.

Writing a long paper in such limited time could be incredibly frustrating and mentally taxing at times so I had to engage and persist.

Exert from The Dynamics of Eminent Domain: Revisiting Urban Narratives