In this Studio, my goal was to comprehend, create, and apply AI algorithms to tackle real-life problems. One of my specific goals was to learn how to create computer vision models to use for AUV which I am working on at beaver. I learned how to create and find datasets and how to use them to train image detection models using Teachable machine, RoboFlow, Yolov8. I also improved my coding ability by debugging problems on the Raspberry pi and creating python scripts with OpenCV. I also explored creating the laser pointer which we scrapped but, I learned how to extract data from the model to send to the Arduino. Overall I went from being not really understanding AI to feeling comfortable creating and training my own algorithms to accomplish a goal. I am excited to keep on using these skills that I learned in future projects such as creating a computer vision system for RoboSub that I will work on once go back to Beaver.