
Finn Mayeux and Ari Sinert

Engage & Persist


Data Collection

 Our studios project was a culmination of research, site visits, and data taken from clients and online resources. We visited Old Colony to assess the state of it and how we could improve upon it. We analyzed many different topics, including how many people used the street, weather they were in cars or on foot, the conditions of the sidewalk and street, how much noise pollution Old Colony had, what kind of buildings were there, and then we mapped it all out and started diagramming. We used more data to figure out how to improve the roads, such as crash data from 2020-2023, and drew the ideal street.

Throughout the studio I put effort into staying focused and on track. While I wasn't one hundred percent focused at all times I believe I did pretty well.

The studio format was interesting and I enjoyed having many different projects to work on, I felt like I was always focused on a few things at once.

The biggest struggle for me with this studio was wrapping my head around the maps we created and the formatting of data, it took me a while to be able to look at one of the maps and understand what it was saying.

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