Goals for growth

David Goodman and David Goodman




Project Paragraph

The memory behind these objects was my various trips to Spectacle Island with my family and the fun I have had there. Specifically, exploring the island on the trails and being with my family. The emotions I focused on for the memory were freedom, exploration and discovery. The objects I built were a pier, a semi-accurate model whaler and a treasure chest to represent adventures and the feeling of freedom when on the water.

Growth Paragraph

Over my time in Identity Vessels, the main skill which I have improved on is fine motor control when using a hot glue gun, x-acto knife and box knife. Another thing which I have improved on has been my writing and documentation of projects. While my documentation is not perfect, it still has improved noticeably and dramatically. I am eager to see how to improve my writing and documentation in future studios.

Lo-Fi Prototyping