When thinking about my project I thought about my hobbies and my physical traits. I decided to focus on my hobby of playing the guitar. I came up with the idea of a retractable guitar that I feel represents the feeling of pride I have when playing the guitar. I also made a baseball glove with writing on the inside to entertain like a book because I play baseball. For my glasses I related the idea of fragileness to my object as my glasses are fragile. I made a retractable guitar to convey my pride when playing the guitar. The pride of playing my guitar comes from all the time and practice I put into learning how to make good music. When you first meet me you wouldn’t know all the practice I’ve put into playing my guitar but when I perform I can display my ability to play. The guitar shows its neck like I show off playing guitar. At first you wouldn’t be able to see the neck of the guitar but after retracting the neck you could see the entire guitar. I made a baseball glove with writing on the inside so as to entertain the wearer. I did this because when playing in the outfield in a little league game not many baseballs are hit in your direction. You could write text to a book page on the inside or a poem to keep you entertained while playing outfield. For my glasses I made a potted plant. My glasses, like a plant, are delicit. A plant can easily be broken and needs the right conditions to grow. To connect them I made the plant in the pot have lenses instead of leaves. I have broken a pair of glasses before so I see this as a strong connection for me. When I look at the plant I see the connection between the two fragile objects.