Making Final Edits

Justin Calka

Today, we tried to start finishing the project.  We have most things done, but still need to do a lot of work.  We have not cut anything in wood yet.  I think that it will be best if we put all of our components in one cut, so it is done at the same time.  We need to cut out the button box, supports, and screen holder in wood.  Assembling them should not be too hard if we got the measurements correct.  Today, I worked on a lot of different things.  I started making the screen holder, but Louie is going to finish that.  I also started to write the process post.  I got a decent amount of that done, before I found out that we were not presenting tomorrow.  I then switched my attention to the button box.  While checking if all of the notches lined up, I discovered that they did not.  I spent the rest of the day trying to fix the alignment, with help from my coaches.