Today's Update

Kalala Kiwanuka-Woernle

Today in the collaborative art group we got a large amount of work done. Becca and I started the day by making two different prototypes so we could decide which way to go with our project. I made my prototype with a large piece of wood and cardboard triangles that I had cut out, and I attached them to the wood using hinges and screw to make it interesting. I also made the triangles in different sizes to make it look more artistic. Becca made the second prototype out of a dowel rod and small triangles. She made little pyramids covering the rod which made it more like a sculpture. With the pyramids you also have the ability to open up the hinges and have "secret" places to write. We decided the best prototype was Becca's and began working on that. Becca worked on improving the prototype  while I made a 3D model on Rhino. I'm very excited about the project and we decided instead of making it just pyramids coming off the sides a continuous piece that goes around the whole pole.