
Justin Calka
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Today, we did a lot of laser cutting and made a lot of design choices.  We spent most of the morning focusing on the button housing.  We made a few minor changes to the original design, such as hole spacing and size, in Rhino before cutting it out in cardboard.  Everything was great on the housing besides the holes.  Unfortunately, the laser cutter malfunctioned, and did not cut circles.  Instead, it cut some sort of strange ellipse.  This problem was easy enough to fix though, and we moved onto the buttons.  We first revised the casing around the button, making it smaller and more aesthetically pleasing.  We also figured out a way to house the button within the box.  The last thing that we worked on was the structural support for the button box.  We changed the supports so that it is angled more towards the user, so that it is easier to use.