
Will Fosnot and Teo Sadowski

Dexi blocks are wooden shapes that connect together and make letters for dyslexic kids to help them read in a fun, engaging, and hands on way. Dyslexic Children suffer from struggling to learn how to read and if they do not start learning early, they will be poor readers all the way into high school. Studies show that dyslexic kids see everything in a 3D form in their head, even 2D letters. When they are reading, the letters they see are viewed in 3D. These blocks allow the children to create the 3D letter and hold it, rotate it, and break it apart revealing the shapes and curves of how the letter is formed.

Each block has 2 small magnets which allow them to click into place whenever a letter is assembled. That sensation amplifies the urge to keep connecting more letters together which keeps them engaged. The more they strive to learn, the more successful they will be with their reading career in the future going into high school.