Balance Pants

Will Fosnot and Aveen Nagpal

Balance Pants

Aveen & Will

Aveen's Brief

Balance pants are streetwear-oriented pants that provide visualization of balance over time. As the human body ages, many systems begin to slow down. The vestibular system, which manages the body's balance declines with age. Cells in the vestibular system die off, affecting one’s ability to correct their position. These issues are silent, and they build over time all the way up to the point where it could become dangerous. According to the CDC, About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year resulting in more than 32,000 deaths. Balance pants put these issues on display, to spread awareness about these issues to the younger generation.

This benefits the user's family with the ability to watch out for their older loved ones. Through two tubes that take the place of pinstripes on the side of a pair of khaki skate pants, balance pants visualize the weight distribution between the wearer's two feet. Pressure on one foot will cause the tube on that same foot to become filled with bubbles. The tubes have internal baffles to slow the fluid flow down in the tube allowing the liquid to stay longer, displaying balance over time.

Will's Brief

BalenceStripe is streetwear-inspired pants designed to visualize balance in an engaging way. BalenceStripe reveals the decline in balance among aging people. According to the CDC, About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year resulting in more than 32,000 deaths.

BalenceStripe represents balance by measuring the amount of pressure the user puts in each step. This pressure is expressed through a strip down the side of the pants that is filled with oil and blue-colored water. When a step occurs the pressure sensor on the foot tells the pump the pressure of the air to pump when this pump occurs the water bubbles move up the faster and higher they move the more pressure is put into the step. This will help show if someone has a constant pressure imbalance which can allow the user to look into  finding a solution.