Toes For Tots

Bodhi Bragonier and Ari Sinert

Toes For Tots

-Ari Sinert & Bodhi Bragonier

Ari's Brief:

Toes for Tots is a product designed to give dyspraxic users a way to protect their toes from injury caused by physical impacts. Toes for Tots is a product that utilizes a comfortable, custom safety toe that can be easily slipped inside of any shoe and worn comfortably for hours. According to the National Library of Medicine, broken toes make up nine percent of all broken bones. In order to decrease this figure Toes for Tots encourages the user to wear a safety toe to protect from impacts, damage and broken bones. 

This is designed for children ages 7-11 who experience dyspraxia along with anyone else who would benefit from toe protection. The user takes a 3d scan of their foot and receives a custom thermoplastic covering ensuring comfort and protection at all times. The user avoids the extreme costs of steel-toed boots and can put the thermoplastic toe into any shoe. This allows the user the freedom to protect and express themselves in any shoe.

Bodhi's Brief:

Toes For Tots

Toes For Tots is a customizable foot guard to prevent broken and fractured toes which are incredibly prevalent in children (The Royal Children Hospital Melbourne). It was originally designed for kids with dyspraxia, a neurological impairment that reduces fine motor skills and puts a child's developing feet at great risk for injuries. However, it also works for any individual who wants some extra protection. The way it works is simple, just slide the plastic guard into the toe of any shoe and then slip the foot in. The custom fit sizing guarantees a comfortable and protective fit without disrupting the foot. This design also avoids the extreme triple-digit cost of steel-toed boots, is custom to every user, can be taken in and out with ease, and doesn't impact style because it can be used in any shoe.

Toes for Toes creates custom fit toe protectors via a 3D scan which customers take of their foot and upload to the website. The website then interprets the scan and makes a generalized 3d design of the front of the foot to give the shape without unnecessary specifics like individual toe size. That design is then printed and packaged with 4 plastic sheets and sent to the user. The user then heats the sheets and molds them over the 3d print. Once it is trimmed it can be inserted into the shoe and protected.