
Jasmine Horowitz and Gabe Murray

Foot Protector

Jasmine Horowitz & Gabe Murray

Final Review


The Foot Protector is a cheap, comfortable shoe for people with diabetic feet. It’s wide and takes pressure off of the foot while still possessing great aesthetics. Diabetic foot is caused by diabetes which can cause hair loss on the toes or feet, change in the size of feet, ulcers, and even loss of the sense of touch in the foot. 6% of people with diabetes have a diabetic foot. Depending on the shoe more ulcers can appear which can lead to infections and amputation.

The Foot Protector is designed for young adults from ages 22-26. Diabetic shoes are around $200 and many users cannot afford them. With The Foot Protector, users won’t have to pay as much and will still be comfortable. The sole of the Foot Protector has fewer pieces and the materials cost less. This greatly reduces the price. Additionally, the Foot Protector straps around the user's leg taking pressure off of the foot and putting it on the leg.  

The Foot Protector is an inexpensive shoe that can help people with diabetic foot. If someone with a diabetic foot gets a blister and does not realize that they have one due to numbness, the blister can get much worse. Eventually, it could get to the point of needing amputation. The Project was made to provide a cheap way to avoid this. The National Center For Biotech Information states that anywhere from 15 to 25% of people with diabetes develop diabetic foot, and all those people are at risk of needing serious, expensive medical help.

The Foot Protector is designed for a user from the ages of 22-46 Instead of needing hospital visits, the user can purchase The Foot Protector for a much lower price and more convenience. Our design provides extra support on the sole, having a removable toe cap for heightened feelings and, and airflow holes. The extra support on the soles is a necessity for people with diabetic foot as it allows them to do more with less pain. When someone has diabetic foot they can have heightened senses in their toes, with the removable toe cap the user doesn’t have to experience agitation in their shoes. The reason for the airflow holes is that the foot changes shape and users would wear this more frequently than a normal shoe.