Getting Down to Business

Getting Down to Business

Chris Essex


Create a contract between you and yourself or you and your partner. The contract should include how you all would like to work with each other/yourself while working on your project. Here are some questions to consider:

Some questions to consider for teams

  • How do we want to work together?
  • How do we want to give each other feedback?
  • How do we show each other respect?
  • How do we make sure we are doing our fair share of the work

Some questions to consider for individuals

  • How do I make sure I’m getting my work done?
  • What do I do when I need help?
  • What do I do when I want to receive feedback?
  • How do I want to pace myself while I’m working on my project?

Also create a team/business name and a logo to go at the top of your project.

You’ll have 30 mins to complete this task.