
Schuyler Johnson and Hunter Stillwell

NuCard ID

Schuyler Johnson, Hunter Stillwell

A lack of timeliness can have a variety of negative impacts on NuVu students. NuCard is an ID system that models student attendance, promoting student accountability as well as creating a more streamlined system for taking attendance. Every morning, each NuVu student taps their card before entering the space. If the student is late, they are prompted to give a reason for being late. If certain factors are consistently impacting attendance, systems can be put in place to address them. Some of these factors may impact more than students' arrival times. For example, if a student is late, they may not be getting enough sleep, which could result in lower productivity over the course of the day. At the end of each trimester, students receive an email showing their attendance, as well as the most common reason for being late. NuCard will provide accurate and meaningful attendance data to NuVu students and staff. This data will allow coaches to give students more informed feedback and will encourage and reward timeliness.

The system consists of a card scanner, a server to manage attendance data, and three websites to display that data. When someone uses the card scanner to check in the server updates their attendance data for the day. This data can then be viewed either on the current attendance page, the coach dashboard, or that student’s personal dashboard.


NuCard ID is a system that polls student attendance daily, and visualizes data from individual attendance records monthly to be reviewed by coaches and students. After a student scans into the space using their ID card, a box next to their name will light up green indicating that they are in the space. Whenever a student leaves for the day, they scan their card again which changes the box back to indicate that they have left. If a student arrives late for school, they will be prompted to give a reason for their late arrival. These reasons include an option for lack of sleep, trouble with the students' commute or a different reason. Arrival and departure times will be logged, as well as reasons that the student might give for being late. 

Coaches will also be able to view the attendance records, which can be sorted by individual attendance or school wide attendance. Each group will have its own arrival/departure time(s) as well as reason(s), depending on which group is being viewed. Both coaches and students can make more informed decisions regarding attendance using the data that NuCard ID gives them access to.