Floating Balance | Final Presentation

Floating Balance | Final Presentation

Trevor McDonald and Nick Thorn

Floating Balance

Nick Thorn & Trevor McDonald

Floating Balance is a physical object that offers what digital apps don't in helping people obtain a healthy lifestyle. With a series of floating ping pong balls creating a graph-like display, this product gives the user a visual view of their recent food consumption.

In modern society, self-appearance is a commodity everyone strives to perfect, and with that comes the maintenance of personal weight. According to the Boston Medical Center, an estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, and Americans spend $33 billion each year on weight loss products. Floating Balance, although it does not give an in-depth analysis, is a cheaper solution aimed to help track your diet. It lacks the complex numbers and statistics most digital apps use involving macro nutrients (that frankly no one wants to deal with). Users get a sense of their dietary health without spending hours each week tracking it. A user simply inserts a serving size coin to a given food group, and Floating Balance does the rest. The user can sit back and watch the ping pong balls fly into the air.