Beginning Rehearsing

Beginning Rehearsing

Emily Cudhea-Pierce

Today we worked solely on our intro. Noel, Jess, and I are creating a song/ part of a song to sing at the beginning of the piece. We began by brainstorming. We had a lot of ideas that were very all over the place. It was difficult to narrow down the ideas into more singable and writeable topics. Anthony gave us a background track to work with. That really helped us with the tune. Once we had the sad piano music, we began a free write. In the free write, we ended up coming up with similar themes. We used a few lines from each of our work, tweaked, to create lyrics and a melody. It became, I think, very beautiful in a sad kind of way. We recorded the audio of our song piece so that we would not forget it. After lunch we got together as a full group and worked on the intro. Everyone showed their pieces. Dance had improved tenfold. Rap and Poetry’s introductions were awesome. I hope everyone liked our song. After this sharing of work we began blocking some stuff. It was a bit frustrating because no one was very focused and it was very loud, and a lot of ideas were floating around. Since all the intro stuff is unfinished at this point, it was hard to block these ideas that haven’t been fully decided.