Hoop Suite Friday!

Hoop Suite Friday!

Jess Ferreira

This morning the music group wrote a song that would be an intro. At first we were stuck, but later Anthony gave us some music to work off of and it be came easier. We started to brainstorm ideas at first and talk about what we wanted our lyrics to be. In the end we wrote two stanzas. The song sounds depressing because of the music we put with it but hopefully it will go with the rest of the introduction. For me this was the hardest challenge because I had never written a song before; I had no idea where to start. Some ideas that we might have in the end to make our song better is to add some violin and some harmonies to what we had originally written. Hopefully by the beginning of next week our song will be complete. Also I think that the music group and the rap group have to really work on the song in terms of good transitions, flow and adding the chorus in between sections.