I measured how many people entered each path in a 5 minute time period.
Harvard Sq. Data Collection
I measured how many people exited each path in a 5 minute time period.
Data Visualization - 2D
Walking Graph
Data Visualization - 3D
Walking graph, but with an extra dimension
The height of the wire represents the number of people that entered from that side.
Data Visualization - 3D
"Assessed Valuation of All Taxable Property Owned by Georgia Negroes"
W.E.B. Dubois
Data Sculptures
Just made it 3D in blender
Dynamic Data
The device holds a pen, and when the "button" is pushed, makes a mark on a sheet of paper, and will make a sort of abstract tally marks the more times its used.
Final Project - The Cigarette Slide
Diagrams and Visualizations
A representation of some of the data we collected, the ash part of the cigarette represents the total number of cigarettes we counted in that area.