Fried Cactus

Fried Cactus

Emily Cudhea-Pierce

I tried to fry cactus like a french fry. It wasn't too good. I used cactus, flour, eggs, and milk. I cooked them on an electric griddle pan thing. The first time it was just floppy and very oily and not good. The second one I made, I added more flour and took out the milk from the batter so it was just eggs. That one was slightly better but still pretty weird. After that one I added some more flour again and added sugar and salt to the egg batter. That one came out a bit firmer and nicer. It tasted better as well. I cooked a fourth one with a bit more sugar and salt, but wasn't sure about the fried-cactus idea so I decided to move on to bigger and better recipes. People thought it wasn't terrible, but not particularly good either. Most preferred the taste of raw cactus over the taste of fried cactus.