space game

jiao jiao scott and 2 OthersAmiyr Ahmad
Madi Fortune

Space Game

By Amiyr, Jiao, and Madi

Breif- madi

In Space Game, the user is an astronaut in space whose main objective is to collect diamonds on each of the separate planets visited. The player will have a set time limit that varies depending on the level of the planet. 

This game is meant for anyone who enjoys a progressive challenge that anyone can pick up. Therefore, making it very easy to be intrigued and can be used as a way to pass time. There isn’t a deeper allegorical meaning to the game besides to have a good time. 

Brief - J

Space Game is about an astronaut in space, trying to get back to Earth.

The gameplay involves collecting coins and gems in a certain amount of time in order to move on to the next levels. The player will have a certain amount of time in to collect gems and coins.

This game was is getting created because it's simple and it will be easy to understand by any and all. Like the flat games Snake or Solitaire, it will involve strategy but  it is also will also be accessible and fun. 

 The animations were all done in Procreate and the backgrounds, coins, and diamonds were drawn in Clip Studio Paint. The user will be able to use WASD or the arrow keys to move around to collect needed items. The games we mainly took inspiration from are precedents that were used to make the game were Stardew Valley, Fireboy and Watergirl, and Snake. 

To make Space Game, Unity Flatgame Maker was used. The animations were all done in Procreate and the backgrounds, coins, and diamonds were drawn in Clip Studio Paint.