Stream of Consciousness

Stream of Consciousness

Grace Gordon and Isabel Perez-Albuerne

Stream of Consciousness

Isabel Perez-Albuerne and Grace Gordon

Like fingerprints, no two brains are exactly alike. The uniqueness of the human experience with music comes from the connection to neurology and emotion. When a person listens to music, several parts of the brain activate and react. This design will capture the neurological response to music by turning it into a unique piece of visual art. 

 A subject will use an EEG while listening to a song of their choice. Their response to the music will be recorded and processed through a program that will transcribe it to code. The code will then transferred to an Arduino-powered robot which will replicate it on paper. Sponges saturated in water with watercolor paint will be placed into compartments with a simple press inside. Each compartment corresponds to a different response in the brain that occurs while listening to a song. When the robot reads this data from the program, the press engages accordingly, causing the color to deploy onto paper.

    As both the art and technology worlds are always evolving and changing, why not merge the two for a unique exploration and experience?