Cedrix Final

Faith Field and Miriam Lourie

Cedrix is a diptych depicting our vision of a possible near future event. In our vision of the future, the humans have had to switch energy sourcing from oil and natural gasses to geothermal energy after a massive oil shortage. In order to meet the world's energy need, large corporations begin deep sea mining for geothermal energy. One day while searching for a new mining location, miners discover an intelligent life form deep in the ocean.

We chose to depict the the deep sea industry that has been developed over time underwater, as well as the initial meeting of a miner and Cedrix, our intelligent life form. To create our imagery, we created custom assets in blender which we then imported into Unreal Engines to comprise a full scene. Unreal Engine allowed us to create the underwater atmosphere of the scenes through specific lighting and texturing techniques. After the images were composed and lit properly, minor touchups were added in photoshop in order to create our final images.