The past two days the hurricane group has been doing a lot of research. The first day was mostly a lot of Eric talk and learning about climate change and how it has affected the world. Everyone was going to research a topic to learn more about the causes, effects and consequences. This research took up a lot of the morning time especially talking with other members in the Holecene 911 studio. In the afternoon our main goal was to find how we could make learning about climate fun; turning a boring topic into a fun project. In the ended we ended up defining fun.
The morning of the second day the entire studio brainstormed ideas of projects we could do for each climate change project. I chose to solve a problem for the topic “Hurricanes Intensifying.” We had a lot to learn before we could start thinking about our product. Our goal is to find a way to mix warm and cold water together to prevent hurricanes from intensifying. A lot of our research was finding numbers and basic information about hurricanes, focusing mainly on Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. We needed to find how deep and shallow the Gulf of Mexico is and find the different temperatures. Finding the temperatures was hard because a lot of the graphs and maps we found were the surface area temperatures. Another thing we needed to look at was what others people’s solutions were. The two ideas we thought of were a pump that had doors at the top and bottom to mix the cold and warm water together and a drain that would mix together. At the end of the day we started to build a small prototype.