Related Works

Jules Gouvin-Moffat and Sam Daitzman

The Scream is a painting created by Edvard Munch created between 1893 and 1910. Similar to our work, The Scream brings on a sense of existential terror. It should be noted that The Scream is widely accepted to be art.

Anxiety is another painting by Edvard Munch. It represents the fear of an uncaring, apathetic public eye. The colors are meant to represent heartbreak, drawing a strong parallel with our composition’s emotional and visual themes.

Emmett Kelly Reading the Wall Street Journal is a poster by William Harold Hancock. Based on Weary Willie-an unhappy clown character character invented by Emmett Kelly-the painting depicts the dread that comes from thinking about the eternal void coming for us all. In his case, that is the 1930s stock outlook. In our case it’s a Penguin.

Cthulu Rising is a drawing by Jeff Himmelman. It depicts Dread Cthulu, the Sleeper of R'lyeh, high priest of the Great Old Ones rising from the darkness to devour our world. We think the similarities are fairly self-explanatory.