Pre-studio Activity

Ammar Ahmed

Dear Students,

Welcome to the studio! I hope summer is going well and that you either have or will receive your maker kits soon. As a warm-up, pre-studio activity we will examine traces of social activism and disruption in our respective neighborhoods or environments. 

Objective: Understand that social mobilization takes place all around us and that it is traceable.


  1. Look for a strip of pink dot stickers in your Maker Kit. You will use these to tag instances of activism or public expression.
  2. Wear a mask and go for a walk in your neighborhood. Focus on areas of assembly or where there's a lot of foot traffic. You might find posters, graffiti, artifacts, signs or traces of activity that address an issue of local or global significance.
  3. Tag a pink dot next to what you find and take in a photograph in landscape mode. Make sure the pink dot can be easily seen.
  4. Draw a map of your walk. Use pencil or pen on a piece of paper to illustrate important locations and streets on your map. Identify the locations of your findings.

Post your following deliverables here:

  1. Photographs with captions that identify what you saw and what issue is being addressed.
  2. A map of your walk. Download Adobe Scan app for Apple or Android devices and use it to scan images if necessary.