Sci-Fi Video Games

Sci-Fi Video Games

Saba Ghole

Science fiction role-playing games cross several different media and bring the excitement of exploring new worlds center-stage for game players. From Destiny to Halo to Call of Duty, one of the largest science fantasy role-playing game series, fantasy games have dominated game culture for decades.

In this studio, students will program their own innovative fantasy video game using Unity, a cross-platform game engine for video game development and interactive media installations. Send the main character on an interactive virtual quest through multi-continental worlds similar to the World of Warcraft’s land of Azeroth, or design whimsical fantasy worlds like Mario’s Mushroom Kingdom, or create a hybrid sci-fi/fantasy story based in a world like Gaia from Final Fantasy VII, or transport the main character across time and a variety of Ages like in the Myst series!

Alongside the game design, students will conceptualize a storyline for the character and flex their digital art skills. After coming up with an initial idea, students will conceive the rules and structure of the game (gameplay). They will then create the game environment, levels, and missions. Finally, we will move to the production phase and bring all the elements together into a single or multi-player online game!

Focus Skills/Subjects/Technologies:

  Game Design


  Storyboarding & Storytelling

  Game Production & Editing

 Sound Design & Sound Effect Creation

  3d Modeling

  Adobe Photoshop
