The Stonewall Riots

Cleo Podrasky
  • What is the overall ambiance, pulse of this era, space, time? 

This era was an era of change, especially social change. During the 1960s, there were several other movements, including but not limited to the Civil Rights Movement, the Counterculture Movement, and the Anti-war Movement. Overall, the general mood of the era was anger and confusion, but also hope for a better future behind the anger.

  • What are some current events that correlate back to this event? 

An event that relates back to the Stonewall Riots is that the Supreme Court is currently deliberating over whether or not LGBT people are covered underneath the 14th Amendment, which states that people may not be discriminated against on the basis of sex. This was spurred because people are often fired from their jobs for identifying as LGBT.

  • Why is it relevant to revisit this now? 

It's relevant to revisit this now because of the events that are happening in this country. The LGBT movement hasn't ended yet, since it's still legal to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. One example of this is the Transgender Ban, in which transgender people are not allowed to join several different factions of the US Military because of their identity.

  • What "new" aspect or element to the story/plot do you want to bring?

I want to bring to the table the fact that, even though violent uprisings can be catalysts for a large movement, violence isn't the answer. Civil unrest and rebellion is glorified in our culture, but I think that people should remember how this can antagonize their cause, and that their actions have consequences.