Bloody Sunday

Uliana Dukach

I wanted to focus on Bloody Sunday in Russia, and how Russian political history is so messed up.

  • What is the overall ambiance, pulse of this era, space, time? 
    • It was the start of the 1905 Russian revolution, there were a lot of riots and petitions. This made people want to get rid of the Tsar, because of how poorly the situation was handled.
  • What are some current events that correlate back to this event? 
    • Hong Kong 2019 protests. In hong kong, people are trying to change the laws or propose new ones.
  • Why is it relevant to revisit this now? 
    • To show how if a government doesn't support its country. That way of the ruling will eventually fall. 
  • What "new" aspect or element to the story/plot do you want to bring?
    • How Russian history has always been really screwed up. Whether it be the Tsars that ruled way back when to Lenin and the Soviet Union and how everybody is the same but not really. (In the Leningrad Blockade how most people were really hungry but some had the money and influence to get food from the outside. ) Overall how Stalin started ruling with fear, by putting people who opposed him into prisons. Short Democratic period that was introduced to abruptly and everyone rejected it. To now where Putin is ruling and destroying the country.