
Siena Jekel

What parts of the play did you find most interesting? 

  • I found the parts where a lot was happening with the lighting and the music the most interesting.

What parts bored you?

  • The parts that the characters were just talking to each other with nothing else happening.

How did you feel during different parts of the play? 

  • I felt sad at the end.

What caused these feelings?

  • The fact that the innocent got hung.

Who do you like? Who do you dislike? Who does not interest you?

  • I liked Mary cause she told the truth at the end, I didn't really care about everybody else.

2) Themes – What are the prominent ideas or concepts explored in the play?

  • I don't really know. Probably don't lie.

How does each element help tell the story?

  • Because it builds up until the climax and until the end.

How does each element tell us about the characters?

  • when they argue it shows who they are.

How does each element create a feeling, atmosphere, or emotion?

  • the part when they whistle gives off kind of a creepy vibe.

How is this story similar to actual events that have occurred in the past or are happening the world today? Which events?

  • The holocaust is similar in the way where a lot of people where getting killed, because of religion.

Are any characters like actual people today or in history? Who?

I don't really know.