
Uliana Dukach

Setting, Plot & Characters Plot  

  • What parts of the play did you find most interesting?
    • I found the parts where everybody was screaming and running all around the most interesting. Because I felt the energy a bit more.
  • What parts bored you?
    • Parts that bored me were generally long serious talks with little intervention. For example, the long talk before they found the doll.
  • How did you feel during different parts of the play?
    • Most of the time I felt really engaged and energized, but underneath it, all was a little bit of confusion. Because I didn't really understand what was going on. 
  • What caused these feelings?
    • I think it was the energy and excitement that the actors were giving.
  • Who do you like? Who do you dislike? Who does not interest you?
    • I really liked Mary, because of how much she was changing her mind and how odd of a character she was. Everybody else I didn't really care about.

2) ThemesWhat are the prominent ideas or concepts explored in the play?

Lying, faith in god. Idk I was sorta confused.

3) Production/Design Elements - Set, Props, Costumes, Lighting, Sound

  • How does each element help tell the story?
    • Elements like switching characters help us see each person's point of view.
  • How does each element tell us about the characters?
  • How does each element create a feeling, atmosphere, or emotion?
    • Things like light are able to help immerse the audience a bit more. 

4) Theater and Its Double: Art Reflects Life, Life Reflected Through Art

  • How is this story similar to actual events that have occurred in the past or are happening the world today? Which events?
    • This story is based on the Salem witch trials. I can't really see any connection between people now tho.
  • Are any characters like actual people today or in history? Who?