TruVu (Battling Convergence Insufficiency)

TruVu (Battling Convergence Insufficiency)

Chiara Blissett
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TruVu: A mobile that trains a child's eyes to work together, helping to treat double or blurred vision caused by convergence insufficiency. TruVu makes simple tasks, like reading and concentrating, less exhausting.

The TruVu is a motorized device that mounts to the ceiling, over a young child's bed (0-5 yrs). While they are falling asleep, they can turn on the device and watch a plate tilt, with a ball traveling down one of the many cutout tracks. By keeping their eyes on the ball, they are unknowingly guiding their eyes to converge and work as a team, preventing the effects of this condition. Continuing this ritual each night for twenty or more minutes can help to alleviate the symptoms of convergence insufficiency in only a few months. The use of the product in the long-term will benefit a child's academic performance, increase reading speed, improve reading comprehension, develop coordination, and promote concentration as well as raise a child's attention span.