Katie and Klara are the Flower-Power team in NuVu's Synesthesia Studio. They envision their final product as a flower that will be operated by hand movements. The flower will change color and play sounds in response to the hand movements of the operator.
The girls are using traditional tools and apply programming skills while creating their interactive flower. NuVu's mentors are supporting the project in their typical hands-on approach.
The Making of the Flower Power Art
The flower will be made up of five petals and and a flower base. The petals of the flower were designed in SketchUp and then laser cut. The petals will be attached to a central servo in the flower base. The central servo will spin and open the petals.
These spinning and opening/closing motion of the flower petals will be controlled with a glove with sensors and accelerometers. As the motion is triggered, sound files made in Max MSP will play. And lastly, as the servo and flower moves and the music starts to play, the LEDs embedded into the five walls of the stacked 3D pentagon of the flower base, will be turned on. There will also be three LEDs in the each of the five petals that turn on as soon as the petals begin to move into their place. The LEDs will fade in and out through the colour spectrum.
This group is connecting the idea of movement/ touch with sound and colour, to represent Synesthesia.