Hidden Tail

Jacob Fishman
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Hidden Tail: A plant structure designed to protect cottontail rabbits from predators and provide food.

Lined across trees at the edge of a backyard, the user finds the trench-like threshold situated along the bark which covers the hole of a rabbit burrow, providing the rabbit's protection from those predators who have the ability to spot and attack the animal. Because of animals like the red tail hawk and coyote, rabbits are caused to dig themselves into the ground, creating a complex system of tunnels commonly known as burrows. As a result of these burrows, we find that the cottontail rabbits don’t like to come out because they fear that the moment that they go out into the world that they will find themselves on the dinner plate of a coyote. Hidden Tail uses plants to disguise the rabbit from a predator while also providing a source of hard to find food and shelter from the big world. By planting, growing and tending for this threshold humans get an indirect interaction with the rabbits keeping both parties safe.  Rabbits and people have the chance to gain a well-mannered and robust coexistence like never before.